Travel: Editing with a tiny box instead of a laptop

Lugging your laptop around when traveling in order to edit video to share online adds a good bit of bulk and weight that could be used for other purposes. What’s the solution. Well this new start up believes they have the answer with their mini editor named Gnarbox! This tiny little box fits in your pocket and allows you to edit on the go. How does it work? You record your video via GoPro or other camera,connect to Gnarbox via usb or media capture card, grab your phone, locate and connect to the Gnarbox self genarating wifi hotspot and your off and running. Now the amazing thing about Gnarbox,besides it portability, is that you can edit 4k video. To learn more check out the work flow video below.

So there you have it. You’ve cut down the bulk and weight in your backpack or suit case and can now bring that heavy Objet D’art that your aunt Edna always wanted. Win,Win for both you and good ole Aunt Edna!

How to handle being stopped by police while traveling in the United States

How to handle being stopped by police while traveling in the United States. The first and most important thing to keep in mind is to always be polite and never raise your voice to the officer. The police deal with a lot of different types of people over a days time and you have no idea how their day has been prior to your stop. Keep that in mind and show them the same respect that you ask others show to you.

Walking or Backpacking

 “Stop and identify” statutes are statute laws in the United States that authorize police[1] to legally obtain the identification of someone whom they reasonably suspect has committed a crime. States (colored red) in which Stop and Identify statutes are in effect as of February 20th, 2013. Stop and identify States



Know your rights

Sleeping in your car

Due to great amount of  people living and traveling in their cars many US cities have banned the practice of sleeping in your car. So be aware of this while traveling in the United States. If the police happen to knock on your window and ask that you move,don’t argue, just move along. There are plenty of places to park and sleep.

The information contained herein is for informational purposes only as a service to the public, and is not legal advice or a substitute for legal counsel.

On a lighter note, Dancing in your car.

The Hobby! aka the Game, or how to juggle credit cards for mileage points

What is “The Hobby” ? Well it is a way to utilize multiple credit cards to gain air miles / points which can then  be used for Airline or Hotel upgrades or in some cases free services. “The Hobby” aka Gaming the Airlines has been around for years but with the recent Rolling Stone Article on Ben Schlappig “The Hobby” is again gaining more media attention and new followers. The article focused on Ben traveling the world for free. Nothing is exactly for free as Ben states in a recent blog post. You must after all use your credit cards and make purchases to gain miles / points. Being selective in the credit cards you choose can gain you $1 -$2 points for every $1 you spend. To start “The Hobby” you don’t need a perfect credit score however to really take advantage credit card signing bonus points,sometimes up to 40,000, you really need to have an excellent credit score. You must also be in a financial position to pay off the cards monthly to avoid being charged percentage rates. I have included links below to help you get started and master “The Hobby”.

Free Credit Scores

How does Credit Sesame make money? They make money a number of ways. When you sign up and receive your credit score they will suggest various credit cards based on your credit score. Then with every credit card you sign with through their system they receive a fee. Lastly they sell  your credit score to other companies wanting to offer you credit. That’s how they are able to offer you the free service.

Tracking your Credit Cards

Websites for mastering “The Hobby”

Including Andy Graham because he’s a friend and gives some of the best advice on Traveling on the planet. It’s also a great way to meet and connect with fellow travelers. – Online 17 years & still going strong.

Greg doesn’t talk about travel much but he’s got the sensibility of a world traveler. Here he makes fun of the multitude of services on a Cruise ship. He really love’s cruising the high seas. 🙂

Stingray Vs. Corvette Summer,the way of the Wrench Saber!

I remember going to the premiere of Christopher Mitchum’s film “Stingray” back in 1978. Even had a poster signed by the Playboy Bunny that was in the Film as well as the films side kick, Les Lannom. Ole Les was not happy in the least to be in a small Missouri town premiering the film. I remember complementing him on the film and his disparaging remark toward his own work. Oh boy,not a happy camper. The cool part besides the film was the Playboy bunny, Sondra Theodore, and the fact they were giving out free movie posters signed by the cast on hand. The film itself was of the time,full of car chases ,things blowing up and or falling down. However in the end the movie poster itself was much more exciting then the film. I collect movie posters so I have a bit of a bias when it comes to the art work, my personal preference is toward the “Stingray” poster over the “Corvette Summer” poster, it tells a story peaking your excitement enough to put down your hard earned cash and buy a ticket. I’ve included the posters side by side below,so you can judge for yourself. So how do these two films tie together, well “Corvette Summer”, Mark Hamill and Annie Pott’s film, was originally titled “Stingray” however they could not get the rights to use the name due to Chris Mitchum’s film already using the title. Chica, Chica, Bow, Wow! That’s Hollywood baby! Take a moment to check out Mark Hamill’s literal use of the “Force” with his Wrench in the lobby card below. Use the Wrench saber Luke,the wrench saber! I really miss lobby cards.


Stingraycorvette summer

What is the Gig Economy?

What is the Gig Economy? The word “Gig” used to mean a variety of jobs in the entertainment industry. As in,”Hey Man, I just got a new gig!” Now it’s been transformed to mean an independent contractor who works for a larger corporation and takes on a temporary task aka “Gig”. The person who has taken on the gig is payed a percentage of the total price of the Gig by the corporation.Which justify’s this through it’s costs of advertising and marketing the service. Thus finding you a Gig! A few common examples would be Lyft,Uber,Fiverr and Taskrabbit.

Additional Reading:

It’s tine to talk about the “Gig Economy”

The First domino falls in the Gig Economy:Homejoy shuts down

Freelancers Union

The insecure world of freelancing

Greg Benson freelances as a performer,producer in the “Gig Economy”. Being payed by You Tube for the number of clicks, views of his videos. He creates his own content but is payed by the larger corporation which markets and houses his videos on their computer servers.

Keep the power on the down low bro

Was reading a post from a friend living in Africa the other day. He was discussing whether or not to live off the grid. In the area he lives most of the power is created using generators.Which are typically used at night. He plans on buying solar panels,hooking them up to storage batteries. He will then be able to charge and power his phone,computer and LED lights at night. He only needs to use the power to charge his phone every few days and power his laptop when need for work on the internet. The LED’s need only be used at night for 4 -6 hours til bed time.Living in the wealthy nations of the world we tend to think this is going backward in time, that life will be less comfortable. Which lead to people who read his blog advising him not to attempt it. Using what you need does not mean your backward it means your frugal. I applaud him for living his free style life and not caving into others projecting their life onto his. So there is no need to keep the power on the down low bro. Further Reading: $3 dollar cell phone battery charger Waka Waka solar light and device charger We tend to think of all of Africa as being backward. Trevor Noah spins it round a bit.

Second machine age, don’t panic, just prepare!

The second machine age is happening out in the open for all to see. Processes change and in doing so cause jobs to change and evolve. Now is the time to prepare for the changes in the coming years. Such as starting an aggressive savings plan and learning financial fundamentals. Learn self sufficiency in the form of growing your own food. Consider buying a sewing machine, this will enable you to save money by mending your clothes plus allowing you to create your own. Lastly, get to know your neighbors, this is not just important for the future but is important for the now. Lending a hand is always welcome and helps you make good, true friends who can help during tough times. So don’t fear the second machine age just prepare for it.

download (22)

Additional Reading and viewing:

Get Rich Slowly

The Motley Fool

The march of the intelligent machines

Finance Fundamentals with Jim Stice and Kay Stice